WARNING! Some of the information on this page is out of date!

Intended to supplement the official FAQ section, this is a compilation of Less-Frequently Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.

Let me know if:

I've started attributing questions and answers (write-ups, formulas, etc.) to who I got them from (read: name is link where applicable), rather then as part of the 'general thank you' at the bottom.
If I missed you, I apologize. Send me a PM, and I'll 'fix it'.

A good place to start, would be reading the (plentiful, basic and enormously useful) documentation: Median XL Ultimative Documentation, Median XL: Ultimative Forum or in wiki format at the Diablofans Diablowiki.

If you're looking for something more basic - introductory even - and newbie-friendly, check out Trucidation's Median XL wikis:

The LFAQ will not answer the following questions. Reasons included.

Now... Down to business...

Questions sorted intuitively (I think), by commonness and by subject:

(Section header = Hyperlink, Section header = No hyperlink (same post as above linked header)

Naming Conventions and nomenclature:


Recommended Reading

Skill-related basics

General basics

%Gold Find (%GF), %Magic Find (%MF), MO and Socketable basics

Cap-related misc. basics

General damage basics

There's a post somewhere that gives the exact ratio / numbers, but I don't find it.

Dual Wielding

More general basics

Item and Crafting related

Item Idiosyncrasies

Proc / %CtC & oSkill related

Passive Damage Sources related

Freeze / Blind related

Q: Is it possible to get Sets / Sacred Uniques with the Chaos Reroll recipe?
A1: No

Q: How does '% Damage goes to mana' work?
http://library.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/concept-vulpine.htm Link's dead.
God, I love archive.org.
New link

Q: What does the "increases Nova Charge scatter radius" item modifier do?
A: It means the novas are spawned at a potentially greater distance from the character.

The advantage is that if a nova spawns further away from the monster, you lose a slight bit of damage, but if it spawns closer to the monster, you gain a lot of extra damage, so the net result is positive for monsters further away from the centre.

Skill Next Delay list


Skill	NextDelay
Starstreak	3
Ghost Arrow	6
Fire Pit	0
Pounce	4?
Great Hunt	0
Pre 1.D9 Lightswarm (wisps)	5


Skill	NextDelay
Psi Storm	0
Bat Strike (Shock Nova)	5, probably.
Hades Gate	4?
Black Lotus Strike	?
Death Blossom	3
Wychwind	5 (*1)
Maelstrom	(*1)?
Cryobeam	3?
Vampiric Icon	25
Beacon	4


Skill	NextDelay
Bear Claw	4
Stampede	4
T.Slam	?
Stormblast	0
Screaming Eagle	?
T. God (nova)	?


Skill	NextDelay
Blindside	4
Elemental	4
Poison Flash	4
Gamma Field	4
Spore Shot	4
Faerie Fire	5
Pummel (Splash)	?
Wildfire	0
Egg Trap	0
Thorn Wall	0 


Skill	NextDelay
Liche Form	4
Parasite	0
VA / VK splash	4?


Skill	NextDelay
Retaliate	5
Hammerstrike	?
Merkabah (/Edict of Forbiddence)	?
Searing Glow	4?
Bloodthorns	0	(1.A9 prerelease)
Mind Flay	0	(1.D9)
Punisher	4
Slayer	?	(1.D9)


Skill	NextDelay
Arcane Torrent	5
Mana Sweep	4
Pyroblast	4
Hive	4
Time Field	4
Carpet of Spiders	2
Spiral Dance	4
Bladestorm (blades)	3
Arcane Torrent	3
Pyroblast	0?
Ice Lance	?
Lorenado	(*1)? 


Skill	NextDelay
Wyrd	4?
Cold Fear	4
Claw Tornado	4
Apocalypse	4
Other Blast Wave	4
Blood Flash	4
Countdown	5
Fire Star	4
Frozen Crown	5 (*1)
Glacial Nova	4
Meteor Shower	10
Mon Spike Nova	4
Mon Energy Beam	5
Rune of Mana	4
Shadow Avatar	10
Other Pandemonium	5
Contest Pentagram	4
Other Raven Flight	5
Silver Dart		4
Pyroclastic Flow	2
Ice Bolt Nova	4
Shock Flower	4
Electrobolt	3
Powder Keg	4
Thorn Field	3
Gorefest	3
Medusa	4
Whirlpool	4	(1.D9b2)
Earthquake	3?
Rune of Mana	4
Ambush	?
Cyclone	?
Squall Gust	?
Disintegrate	?
Sunspear	5? (*1)? 

Initial missile has ND.
Subsequent hits do not.

Blood Thorns previously had an ND of 5 (1.99) and 3 (1.A9 beta)
Bladestorm (blades) previously had an ND of (1.99) 3
Mind Flay, prior to 1.A9b2 had an ND of 3

Q: Can I refill an Unique Arrow Quiver or an Unique Bolt Quiver?
Yes, sell it to a shop that doesn't sell Arrow Quivers or Bolt Quivers and has enough space to hold yours, and then buy it back.

Skill Related:

proc (a.k.a. %ctc) conditions:

Skill X Doesn't Work!

Spell Timer related

(This whole section was written by NexX)

What does Skill X do?

Minion related

Monster related



Game Crashes:

Mercanaries / Hirelings:

Quest bugs:

Diablo 2 known bugs: