The ultimate challenge of Median XL: Ultimative, these levels are much harderthan any regular level and will challenge even the strongest heroes. Yourreward on Destruction difficulty is a unique charm!
1/12 Kurast 3000 BA
[Class Charm] (Class Challenge Item) Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus (Class Only) Required Level: 90 Can be Upgraded with Ennead Challenge Can be Upgraded with Black Road Challenge Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1 +2 to Light Radius Defeat the Ennead Necromancers on Destruction difficulty to get the Hammer of the Taan Judges (1/12 chance). ![]() Hammer of the Taan Judges
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 40 +50 Crafting Points +(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +(0.25 per level)% (Based on Character Level) Ennead Challenge
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Ennead Challenge. Drop Bias
2/12 Island of the Sunless Sea
![]() Six Angel Bag
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 60 Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Fire Damage Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Lightning Damage Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Cold Damage Fire Resist +(21 to 25)% Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)% Cold Resist +(21 to 25)% Defeat Lucion on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunless Crystal Bird. ![]() Sunless Crystal Bird
Cube this item with your Six Angel Bag Enchant your Six Angel Bag with this charm and gain fabulous powers! Six Angel Bag + Sunless Crystal Bird → Six Angel Bag with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
-(6 to 15)% to All Enemy Resistances 5% Chance of Crushing Blow +(-5 to 5) to Light Radius Drop Bias
3/12 Khalimgrad
![]() Zakarum's Ear
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 80 +(16 to 25)% to Experience Gained (6 to 10)% Bonus to All Attributes +2 to Light Radius Drop Bias
4/12 Tran Athulua
![]() Sunstone of the Elements
Cube this Charm with your Upgraded Sunstones! Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 50 Adds 15-20 Fire Damage Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage Adds 15-20 Cold Damage Defeat the elemental priestesses on Hatred difficulty to get the Sunstone of Fire, Sunstone of Ice and Sunstone of Thunder. They do not provide a great boon by themselves, but they can be used for the Level Challenge 1 listed below. Defeat the elemental priestesses on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunstone of the Gods (1/6 chance from each priestess). ![]() Sunstone of the Gods
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 100 Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) fire Damage Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) lightning Damage Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) cold Damage Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)% Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 15)% 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus. ![]() Tran Athulua Trophy
Cube with the Sunstone of the Gods... Damage Reduced by 5% Scroll of Resistances
Sunstone of the Elements + Scroll of Resistances → Sunstone of the Elements with added bonuses
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
This recipe can be used 3 times, once per each difficulty. Level Challenge 1
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Level Challenge 1. The Black Road Challenge
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black Road Challenge. Additional quest
See THIS PAGE for more information about Athulua. Drop Bias
5/12 Fauztinville
See BELOW for more information about the Yshari Sanctum. The Black Road Challenge
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black Road Challenge.
Drop Bias
6/12 The Triune
Uldyssian ul-Diomed broke the Templars' armies on the battlefield in his campaign to obliterate the Triune and the Cathedral of Light, even managing to destroy Gulag. Astrogha escaped to some shadowy realm, but Lucion elected to remain, hoping to corrupt Uldyssian. The Son of Hatred sent the High Priest Malic to treat with Uldyssian, but the Edyrem King knew better than to listen. Uldyssian ul-Diomed met Lucion and Malic on the field of battle and banished them, but not before the demon and his priest slew Achillios, the Sword-Corporal of the Edyrem, and Uldyssian's closest friend. A war of subterfuge erupted following the Edyrem's campaign. With Gulag slain and Lucion and High Priest Malic banished from Sanctuary, Astrogha sought to fill the power vacuum. High Priest Primus had strangely disappeared in the late years of the war, so Astrogha took on that guise and sent High Priest Arihan, along with a troop of Peace Warders, Que-Hagan priests, and Morlu, to try and dispatch of Uldyssian once and for all. Again, the armies were dispersed and the great demons banished. But where Lucion and Malic had failed, and where Astrogha and Arihan had failed, Lilith had succeeded. Lilith, the Mother of Sanctuary, finally corrupted Uldyssian, and thereafter the Dark Edyrem sealed themselves away. Lilith reestablished the Triune and installed Arihan as the sole High Priest. However, and fortunately for the forces of light, it is said that an aspect of Primus haunts the great temple halls of the Triune, seeking revenge for his usurpation by Arihan. Enemies
* Only one Cycle of Wisdom can be kept in the inventory. Reward ![]() Lucion's Soulstone
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 120 +50 Crafting Points +1 Extra Totems +(2 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels +50 to Maximum Damage Slows Target by 10% Reduces all Vendor Prices 50% 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus. ![]() Triune Trophy
Cube with the Lucion's Soulstone... 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
7/12 The Unformed Land
Once you enter the Unformed Land Level 2, you cannot go back trough the stairs. Lore
Secret Elemental Runes
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Elemental Runes and Kabraxis' Stone rune.
![]() Trader's Chest
This mighty chest allows you to increase certain stats but it will lower other stats in exchange! Cube the chest with a skull to reset stats! Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 120 +1 to Light Radius Various bonuses can be added on the Trader's Chest when you gamble with gems.
Trader's Chest + any Gem (any quality) → Trader's Chest with added bonuses + Chipped Gem (same type)
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
You can do so 50 times before reaching the gambling limit:
Trader's Chest (limit) + any Gem (any quality) → Trader's Chest (limit & note) + Chipped Gem (same type) + Chipped Skull
This recipe has adds the following bonuses: Ultimate Gamble upgrade Unknown Skull 1 + Unknown Skull 2 → Mystic Shard
Trader's Chest + Mystic Shard → Trader's Chest with added bonuses This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
+(0 to 2) to All Skills +(1 to 25) to all Attributes -1 to Light Radius See THIS PAGE for more information about the Unknown Skull 2. Warning! If you cube the Trader's Chest with a Mystic Shard when not at 50 gambles and/or if it has been reset before, you will lose them both. Bonus quest
See THIS PAGE for more information about Zorun Tzin. Drop Bias
8/12 Kingdom of Shadow
![]() Eternal Bone Pile
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 120 +(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels +(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels +500 Maximum Stamina 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus. ![]() Kingdom of Shadow Trophy
Cube with the Eternal Bone Pile... +1 to All Skills |
9/12 Ghosts of Old Bremmtown
Reward (requires your class charm)
[Class Charm] + Arcane Crystal → [Class Charm] with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
I Killed A Dragon and All I Got Was This Lousy Charm See THIS PAGE for more information about the Class Charm. NOTE: Do not enter Bremmtown with minions or you might not be able to get the reward. Summon minons once you're inside. Also keep in mind that in-game time and real time might differ because of lag and other things. |
10/12 Duncraig
The secret
![]() Ring of the Five
Required Level: 100 Adds 25-50 damage +50% Damage to Undead -250 Defense Increase Maximum Life 5% +2 to Light Radius Cube it with all five seals to create Assur's Bane. ![]() Assur's Bane
Required Level: 100 +1 to All Skills Adds 25-50 damage +150% Damage to Undead +1 to Purify Increase Maximum Life and Mana 10% +2 to Light Radius Go back to Assur, then select your ring's Purify spell. This spell bypasses Assur's invulnerability and will take him out in a few hits. Reward
![]() Demonsbane
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 100 +(0 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels +(0 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels Replenish Life +50 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus. ![]() Duncraig Trophy
Cube with the Demonsbane... 10% Increased Overall Speed Drop Bias
11/12 Yshari Sanctum
See THIS PAGE for more information about the two sets' items and attribute bonuses. Reward
![]() The Ancient Repositories
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 120 +(0 to 1) to All Skills (101 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating +(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage (11 to 20)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(5 to 25) to Strength +(5 to 25) to Dexterity +(5 to 25) to Vitality +(5 to 25) to Energy Increase Maximum Life (6 to 10)% Fire Resist +(5 to 20)% Lightning Resist +(5 to 20)% Cold Resist +(5 to 20)% Drop Bias
See ABOVE and THIS PAGE for more information about the Great Runes. |
12/12 Wretched Hive
![]() Brachyceran's Token
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus Required Level: 120 +(0 to 1) to Amazon Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Assassin Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Barbarian Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Druid Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Paladin Skill Levels +(0 to 1) to Sorceress Skill Levels (11 to 15)% Faster Run/Walk Replenish Life +(100 to 250) +100 Maximum Stamina Poison Resist +(26 to 50)% The Cursed Crystal is needed as reagent for powerful recipe. See THIS PAGE for more information about the recipe. |